College Boy

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As I hope you would suppose, I was a good kid. I was confirmed into the church. I went to Sunday School every week and Bible School every summer. I was in Indian Guides. Cub Scouts. Webelos. Boy Scout. I was an Eagle Scout at 13 and consistently made good grades in school. All of this was tacitly expected of me, as was the fact that I attended, and paid for, a higher education.

taken by my lifelong partner one night at Stanford

Expert Systems

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You’ve seriously got to hand it to the government: since they are in the business of tamping down any market insecurity, they are getting better every single time. The evidence is right in front of us in the form of the VIX: every few months, when a genuinely plausible reason comes out for the market to weaken, the VIX briefly pushes high. However, it gets less-high every single time. Every. Single. Time. This is what worried me about April 19th, because we were approaching the prior high. Like clockwork, it turned tail and collapsed back to 13 again.